Vacation Rental Analysis Dashboards
Understanding vacation rental data is crucial for property owners. Vacation rental analysis tools provide valuable insights into occupancy rates, rental prices, and booking trends. With this data, owners can make informed decisions about pricing, marketing strategies, and property management. Analyzing the data allows owners to identify patterns and trends that lead to increased profitability and customer satisfaction. By staying competitive in the market and maximizing rental income, property owners can uncover opportunities for improvement and growth.
To ensure accurate and reliable vacation rental data, it is essential to utilize reputable platforms and websites that provide comprehensive information on rental listings, occupancy rates, and rental prices. This dashboard utilizes data provided by Airbnb related to listings hosted on their platform.
The Vacation Rental Analysis script comprises two dashboards, one for regional analysis and one for local area analysis. The regional analysis dashboard hosts four tabs: the Interactive Map, Kernel Density Map, Neighborhood Map, and Histogram tabs. The local area analysis dashboard consists of five tabs: the Local Analysis Overview, Listings Map, Quadtree Map, Kernel Density (KDE) Map, and Scatterplot Tabs. The regional analysis dashboard's design intends to facilitate easy and efficient analysis without rerunning the code to evaluate different metrics. The local area analysis dashboard relies on user input to produce the resulting visualizations.
GitHub Gist: Rental Analysis Dashboard
Regional Analysis Dashboard
Interactive Listings Map Tab
Kernel Density Map Tab
Neighborhood Map Tab
Histogram Tab
Local Area Analysis Dashboard
Overview Tab
Listings Map Tab
Quadtree Map Tab
KDE Map Tab
Scatterplot Tab
Inside Airbnb. (2023, June 10). Get the Data. Inside Airbnb. http://insideairbnb.com/get-the-data/