World Bank Dashboard
The World Bank is a prominent financial institution that offers loans, grants, and technical assistance to developing nations for various development programs (World Bank, 2023a). The organization collects and compiles vast amounts of data on various aspects of development, such as poverty, education, health, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. The World Bank data is regarded as one of the most comprehensive and reliable sources of information on global development trends and challenges (World Bank, n.d.). The World Bank Dashboard presents indicators provided by the organization via an interactive platform that enables users to access and analyze the data in a user-friendly manner.
Analyzing World Bank data can provide valuable insights into global development trends and challenges (St. Clair, 2006). For example, the World Development Indicators report, published annually by the World Bank, offers a comprehensive overview of global development trends and challenges. It highlights progress in reducing extreme poverty, promoting gender equality, and improving access to education and health services. However, it also identifies persistent challenges such as income inequality, environmental degradation, and political instability that require urgent attention from policymakers and development practitioners.
The World Bank data for this dashboard was obtained via the World Bank API (World Bank, 2023b). Data from the years between 1990 and 2020 are included in the dashboard. The dashboard offers life expectancy, mortality, birth rate, fertility rate, and population demographic indicators for each year.
The dashboard contains a dropdown selection menu interface that initiates the output of a choropleth map of countries and histogram displaying the user-selected indicator for the year chosen in the color scheme requested.
GitHub Gist: World Bank Dashboard
Choropleth Map
The dashboard contains a choropleth map displaying the user-selected indicator for the year chosen using the color scheme dictated by a dropdown menu. The choropleth map is generated using a 5-bin Natural Breaks classification.
The map is accompanied by a histogram related to the mapped data. The histogram output contains a text box containing the indicator’s mean, median, and standard deviation of the data.
Map of Indicator Selected
Histogram Output
St. Clair, A. L. (2006). The World Bank as a Transnational Expertised Institution. Global Governance, 12(1), 77–95. https://www.jstor.org/stable/27800599
World Bank. (n.d.). About us | Data. Retrieved March 31, 2023, from https://data.worldbank.org/about
World Bank. (2023b). Indicators | Data. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator?tab=featured
World Bank. (2023a). World Bank Group—International Development, Poverty, & Sustainability [Text/HTML]. World Bank. https://www.worldbank.org/en/home