Exploring Tabular and Raster Data Analysis and Management

Tabular Data Analysis and Management with SQL: Clark County, Nevada Voter Data

SQL in Tabular Data Analysis

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a programming language used to manage and analyze tabular data. It enables efficient querying and manipulation of large datasets, making it ideal for voter registration analysis. Key SQL commands like SELECT, WHERE, GROUP BY, and JOIN allow for filtering, grouping, and combining data from multiple tables. With powerful functions and operators for calculations and transformations, SQL can uncover patterns, trends, and anomalies in voter registration data through advanced techniques like subqueries.

Benefits of SQL in Large Dataset Analysis

SQL plays a significant role in handling large datasets, making it an ideal tool for analyzing voter registration data. With SQL, you can efficiently query and manipulate data, filter and sort information to identify patterns, and perform complex joins and unions to merge multiple datasets. SQL also streamlines tasks like data cleaning and transformation, ensuring accuracy in voter registration analysis. Its scalability and compatibility with various database management systems make SQL a powerful tool for handling diverse voter registration datasets.

Application of PostgreSQL for Voter Data

PostgreSQL provides efficient data management and retrieval for voter registration data. Its powerful querying capabilities allow for complex analysis, identifying trends and patterns. The flexibility of PostgreSQL enables easy integration with other tools in the voter registration process. Leveraging its security features ensures data protection and integrity. With scalability, PostgreSQL handles large volumes of voter registration data. Advanced features like indexing and partitioning optimize data retrieval and enhance performance.

The Data

The voter registration data from Clark County, Nevada contains various information such as name, address, party affiliation, and registration status. Each entry in the data represents an individual voter registered in Clark County. Organized in a tabular format, with columns representing different variables and rows representing individual voters, the structure of the data facilitates easy sorting, filtering, and analysis of voter registration information. This structured format enables accurate and efficient analysis of voter registration trends and patterns.

Voter List File Layout

Voter List Code Reference

(Clark County Nevada, 2021).

SQL Queries

SQL queries are listed below each data summary goal and can be accessed by expanding the associated accordion tab using the down arrows.

  • select count(*) from voters

    group by assembly

    order by assembly asc;

  • select count(*) from voters

    group by senate

    order by senate asc;

  • select 2022 - avg(birth_year) avg_age from voters;

  • select party_reg, 2022 - avg(birth_year) avg_age from voters

    group by party_reg;

  • select first_name, middle_name, last_name, sex from voters;

  • select count(phone_num) as Total_Voters,

    count(phone_num) filter(where phone_num != '') as Num_W_Phone,

    count(phone_num) filter(where phone_num = '') as Num_Without_Phone,

    (100 * count(phone_num) filter(where phone_num != '') / count(*)) asPct_W_Phone_Num,

    (100 * count(phone_num) filter(where phone_num = '') / count(*)) asPct_No_Phone_Num

    from voters;

  • select count(*) as Total_Voters,

    count(party_reg) filter(where party_reg = 'DEM') as Num_DEM,

    count(party_reg) filter(where party_reg = 'REP') as Num_REP,

    count(party_reg) filter(where party_reg = 'INA') as Num_INA,

    count(party_reg) filter(where party_reg = 'NP') as Num_NP,

    count(party_reg) filter(where party_reg = 'OTH') as Num_OTH,

    count(party_reg) filter(where party_reg = 'LIB') as Num_LIB,

    (100 * count(party_reg) filter(where party_reg = 'DEM') /count(*)::numeric(12,4)) as Pct_DEM,

    (100 * count(party_reg) filter(where party_reg = 'REP') /count(*)::numeric(12,4)) as Pct_REP,

    (100 * count(party_reg) filter(where party_reg = 'INA') /count(*)::numeric(12,4)) as Pct_INA,

    (100 * count(party_reg) filter(where party_reg = 'OTH') /count(*)::numeric(12,4)) as Pct_OTH,

    (100 * count(party_reg) filter(where party_reg = 'LIB') /count(*)::numeric(12,4)) as Pct_LIB

    from voters;

  • select commission, party_reg, count(party_reg)

    from voters

    where commission != ''

    group by commission, party_reg

    order by commission asc, count desc;

  • select registration_num, assembly, senate, commission, assembly.memberassembly_member,

    assembly.member_party assembly_member_party, senate.membersenate_member,

    senate.member_party senate_member_party, commission.member_partycommission_member_party,

    commission.member commission_member

    from voters

    left join assembly on voters.assembly = assembly.district

    left join senate on voters.senate = senate.district

    left join commission on voters.commission = commission.district

    order by random() limit 1;

  • select last_name,

    count(last_name) as name_occurrence

    from voters

    group by last_name

    order by name_occurrence desc

    limit 20;

  • select first_name, count(first_name) as occurrance

    from voters

    group by first_name

    order by occurrance asc;

  • select count(*) voters, assembly.member_partydistrict_assembly_member_party

    from voters

    left join assembly on voters.assembly = assembly.district

    where assembly.member_party = 'Democratic' or assembly.member_party ='Republican'

    group by assembly.member_party;

  • select count(*) as voters_voting_in_at_least_one_election

    from voters

    where election1 != '' or election2 != ''or election3 != '' or election4 != '' orelection5 !=''

    or election6 != '' or election7 != '' or election8 != ''or election9 != '' or election10!= ''

    or election11 !='' or election12 != '' or election13 != '' or election14 != ''orelection15 != ''

    or election16 != '' or election17 !='' or election18 != '' or election19 != '' orelection20 != '';

  • select count(*) as voters_w_mail_address_outside_NV

    from voters

    where mail_state != 'NV';

  • select mail_state,

    count(mail_state) as occurrance

    from voters

    where mail_state != 'NV'

    group by mail_state

    order by occurrance asc;

  • update voters

    set party_reg = ['updated_party']

    where registration_num = ['voter_reg_number'];

  • update voters

    set first_name = ['updated_name']

    where registration_num = ['voter_reg_number'];

  • update voters

    set mail_address = ['updated_address']

    where registration_num = ['voter_reg_number'];

  • update voters

    set phone_num = ['updated_phone_number']

    where registration_num = ['voter_reg_number'];

  • delete from voters

    where registration_num = ['voter_reg_number'];

Raster Data Analysis and Management with PostGIS

PostGIS in Raster Data Analysis and Management

PostGIS is a powerful tool for handling raster data, such as land cover, population, and city data. Understanding the dynamics of these factors is crucial in various domains, including urban planning, environmental monitoring, and demographic analysis. To prepare land cover, population, and city data for PostGIS, start by obtaining the required raster data for California. Import the data into PostGIS using the raster2pgsql tool. Utilize spatial queries to manipulate and analyze the raster data.

Benefits of PostGIS in Raster Dataset Analysis

PostGIS offers powerful capabilities for analyzing tabular data and performing statistical analysis. In the context of land cover, population, and city data in California, you can utilize SQL queries to extract relevant data from PostGIS and conduct various analyses. PostGIS also offers powerful capabilities for analyzing tabular data and performing statistical analysis. In the context of land cover, population, and city data in California, you can utilize SQL queries to extract relevant data from PostGIS and conduct various analyses.

The Data

The land cover raster data for California was obtained from the USGS and contains codes which correspond to landcover types. Population raster data was sourced from the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center containing cells with population values, California was subsequently extracted from this data for individual use. Vector data for California cities, towns, and census-designated places (CDPs) was obtained from the U.S. Census Bureau for the year 2020. A digital elevation model raster file for the California Central Coast was sourced from NOAA.

Land Cover Codebook

(USGS, 2019).

SQL Queries

SQL queries are listed below each data summary goal and can be accessed by expanding the associated accordion tab using the down arrows.

  • select st_value(rast, pt.geom) landcover_code

    from landcover,

    lateral ( select st_transform(st_setsrid(st_point(-118.6031198,34.2145558),4326), 5072) as geom ) pt

    where st_intersects(geom,rast);

  • select st_value(rast, pt.geom) landcover_code,

    (select landuse_ecosystem landcover_description from landcover_descwhere cast(st_value(rast, pt.geom) as text) = landuse_code)

    from landcover,

    lateral ( select st_transform(st_setsrid(st_point(-118.6031198,34.2145558),4326), 5072) as geom ) pt

    where st_intersects(geom,rast);

  • select

    round((st_summarystats(st_clip(population.rast, cities_towns.geom,true))).sum::numeric, 3) as population,

    cities_towns.name as name


    population, cities_towns

    where st_intersects(cities_towns.geom, population.rast)

    order by population desc nulls last;

  • select

    round((st_summarystats(population.rast)).sum::numeric, 3) aspopulation



    lateral (selectst_union(st_buffer(st_transform(st_setsrid(st_point(-118.6031198,34.2145558), 4326), 5072), 5000.03)) as geom) pt

    where st_intersects(geom,rast);

  • Note: With a Value of 1 for Areas Above Sea Level (Elevation Greater Than Zero), and a Value of 0 for Areas at or Below Sea Level

    create table public.centralcoast_sealevelreclass as

    select rid, st_reclass(rast,1, '[-1-0]:0, 0-5000:1', '8BUI') as rast

    from centralcoast_elevation;

    vacuum analyze centralcoast_sealevelreclass;

    create index centralcoast_sealevelreclass_idx oncentralcoast_sealevelreclass using gist(st_convexhull(rast));

  • Note: Create a Table With a Value of 1 for Thoseareas Higher Than 10 Feet Above Sea Level (Elevation Greater Than 10), Anda Value of 0 for Those Areas at or Below an Elevation of 10 Feet

    create table public.centralcoast_tsunami_hazard as

    select rid, st_reclass(rast,1, '10-5000: 1, [-1-10]:0','8BUI') as rast

    from centralcoast_elevation;

    vacuum analyze centralcoast_tsunami_hazard;

    create index centralcoast_tsunami_hazard_idx oncentralcoast_tsunami_hazard using gist(st_convexhull(rast));

  • create table centralcoast_slope2 as

    select st_slope(st_union(rast)) as rast from centralcoast_elevation;

    vacuum analyze centralcoast_slope2;

    create index centralcoast_slope_idx on centralcoast_slope2 usinggist(st_convexhull(rast));

  • Note: Reclassify the Slope of the Dem, Showing Areas of High Slope (Slopes Greater Than or Equal to 30) With Ascore of 1 and Areas Without High Slope (Slopes Less Than 30) With a Score of 0

    create table centralcoast_slope_reclass3 as

    select st_reclass(st_union(rast),1, '[30-60]:1, 0-30:0', '8BUI') as rast fromcentralcoast_slope2;

    vacuum analyze centralcoast_slope_reclass;

    create index centralcoast_slope_reclass_idx oncentralcoast_slope_reclass using gist(st_convexhull(rast));

  • create table centralcoast_hillshade7 as

    select st_hillshade(st_union(rast)) as rast

    from centralcoast_elevation;

    vacuum analyze centralcoast_hillshade7;

    create index centralcoast_hillshade_idx on centralcoast_hillshade7 usinggist(st_convexhull(rast));


Clark County Nevada. (2021). Voter List Data Files Clark County, NV. Clark County Nevada. https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/departments/elections/reports_data_maps/voter_list_data_files.php

USGS. (2019). Land Cover Data Download | U.S. Geological Survey. USGS. https://www.usgs.gov/programs/gap-analysis-project/science/land-cover-data-download?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects


Texas Community Assessment Database