Designing and Documenting a Geospatial Database: LA County Crime


The Los Angeles County Crime database is designed to facilitate the exploration and analysis of the relationships between crime, law enforcement, and socio-demographic population characteristics. The database supports the investigation of the variables at the neighborhood, Census block, Census tract, and law enforcement reporting district scales.

The data, relations, and data codebooks below serve as a web version of the Excel database documentation file attached to this page. The geodatabase file is also provided at the bottom of the page.

Database Documentation


The Tables sheet of the Excel file documents the different layers and tables present in the geodatabase. This sheet includes the machine-readable name, description, data model, geometry type, scale/spatial resolution (if available or documented), coordinate system, and source of each table/layer.


The Relations sheet documents the potential connections (relations) between each table possible through joins utilizing key fields. This sheet includes details for the target table, source table, target table's key field, target table's key field type, source table's key field, source table's key field type, and the nature of the relationship.

Table Codebooks

The following sheets are the codebooks for each layer/table. The codebooks are listed in the same order as the layers/tables listed in the Tables sheet. Each codebook contains columns detailing the field names, data types, descriptions, and length parameters (when applicable).


Conducting Geospatial Research: Organizing Databases, Documentation, and Crafting Sample SQL Queries